
Descriptive Essay About A Trip To The Beach

Decent Essays

On a chilly day in late June, my relatives (+) were excited to take me to the beach since I was visiting for a week. Once we finally parked and unloaded the car we started walking towards (>) the beach to find a spot when all the sudden my cousin Cc (Ω) screams she lost her phone (L). My uncle Carlos (}) yelled back we would look for it when we were leaving and told her she needed a break from it anyway. Once we put our bags (@) and towels ([0]) down we got out our books (ш) but reading was the last thing on my mind. I sat (2) down feeling grains (ʺ) of sand sticking to my skin, but I didn’t care because the sand felt so soft. For a while I just lay there running (5) my hands through the sand until my aunt Sky ({) asked if I wanted to walk by the beach. The first couple of minutes were me picking up rocks (O) and sea shells (() and my aunt ({) telling me I had a good eye (%) each time. I listened to the waves (~) as we walked in silence (/) until she said that she was happy ()) that I came down to visit her since it had been a couple of years since I saw them and I said thank you for inviting me. We walked until we reached a tunnel (π) and decided to turn around. When we reached the area where we put our things I grabbed a pair of binoculars (=). When I looked through them at first, I didn’t see anything and then I saw golden brown things and realized it was sea lions sun (*) bathing on an island (Ж). Once I looked at them, I put the binoculars back and walked towards (>) the ocean by myself (j). As I walked towards (>) the water I began to wonder (?) when would be the next time I would be able to visit the ocean so I put my feet in the water since it was too cold to swim (&) in. After I lost feeling in both my feet I decided to head back (< >) these as directions I was going because they point at opposite direction and I used (π) as a tunnel because it looks like one. For the numbers I used (2) for the word sat because it looks like someone sitting on their knees and I used (5) for running because if you use your imagination it looks like a person running. For the letters I used (L) to be a phone because it looks like an open flip phone and for the letter (O) I used it to mean rocks because many of the rocks

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