
Descriptive Essay About Clothing Shopping

Satisfactory Essays

"Kimmi, I don't want to go shopping, you know I hate interacting with people!" I holler at the top of the stairs, Kimmi shook her head still insisting.

"It's not that type of shopping; we are going clothes shopping." I put up a brow; she pulled this trick last time tricking me to go bra shopping, I hate bra shopping, I have a size of two huge watermelons!

"You love clothes shopping with we add some jewelry." Okay now I was convinced, Jewelry shopping yes, clothes no!

"Now we are talking!" Kimmi smiles heading out.

I ran down the stairs, causing Kimmi to give me a look. "Sam, you have to get dress and put on shoes?" Oh, forgot about that.

"Oops give me five minutes," I said putting up a finger while stumbling my way up the stairs.

I ran to my room and grabbed some random clothes. I wore a tank along skinny black jeans, around it and grabbed one my favorite nubkc black six inches shoes.

I put on foundation and concealer and smoke out my black eye shadow, lots of eyeshadows and eyeliner. Perfect. With mascara.

“SAMMY COME ON THE SALE ENDS AT 2!” I heard Kimmi holler.

I rolled my eyes, “I’m coming.” I said running down the stairs.

“Sam, you are going to slip in those shoes,” Kim says looking at my shoes.

I shrug, “I’ll be fine, lets go” Kimmi gave me a concerned look before following me, I jump in the car face first.

She sighs out, “Why can’t you get in the car like a normal person?” She asked starting the engine.

“Cause normally is boring,” I answer climbing in the back almost knocking Kimmi out.


“Oh hell no there’s a line outside the mall!” My mouth drop when I saw the line, I look at Kimmi, she shrugs getting out.

“What are you doing?’ I asked, she didn’t reply, I got out not wanting to be alone in the car.

“Kimmi, what the hell are we doing?” I asked again this time getting an answer.

She turns and smiles at me, oh God why is she smiling at me; she is not even smiling she’s smirking- what the hell?

“Here,” She hands me an empty book. I had a puzzled look on my face.

“What, what-what?” I repeat now starting to get paranoid.

“Oh and a pen, oh, and we are meeting fall out boy, oh and uh, you might need this.” Fall out what? What the hell is she talking about, I’m perplexed? What kind of

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