
Descriptive Essay About Memorial Day

Decent Essays

It was that time of the year again. Memorial Day weekend was finally here and that means one thing in any Hesse’s mind- the annual Molacek Fishing tournament! More importantly for me, I was finally able to spend time up north in Bemidji at the lake with my entire family again. After the grueling three-hour car ride crammed with my family of six, dog, and what seemed like enough luggage for the entire summer, I had finally made it to my sanctuary, Beltrami Shores. The moment I stepped out of the car my world was made of green and blue. As I was listening to the diverse chirps of the many birds, my nostrils were bombarded by the scents of the pine trees, lake water, and fresh north air. I have learned over the years to familiarize these smells with relaxing on the lake, eating savory meals, spending time family, and disconnecting myself from my continuously busy life. All of these great memories were once again relived on this particular Memorial Day weekend. As I began fishing with my siblings and grandpa by my side, I felt a sudden surge of freedom. Fishing has always been one of my favorite activities at my cabin because I am able to go deep into thought and conversation while enjoying how beautiful the surrounding nature is. After a few minutes of casting, I felt a sudden tug, pulled my rod, and started reeling in what I thought would be the biggest catch of the day! I immediately belched “I got one!” to everyone else in the boat. Unfortunately, I soon realized what I

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