
Descriptive Essay About Saratoga Springs

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“DON 'T LEAVE ME!” screamed Sheryl. She had tears running down her face. I didn 't want to leave, but I knew it would be best for me. I was still getting over the fact that my mom had just passed away, so it was my turn to leave. As I jumped into the taxi parked in our driveway, I yelled out the window “ I love Sheryl, and give dad a goodbye hug for me, also give me a call sometime ,and maybe we can meet up.” Suddenly, as the taxi pulled off Sheryl 's face turned to her eyes squinted at me, arms crossed, and a slight grin. We were almost to the airport, when I could feel my eyes start to water. As tears dripped down my face, I could taste the saltiness of them landing on the corner of my mouth. We arrived ,and when I grabbed my bags out …show more content…

“How 's It going with you,and dad?” i asked “Fine,” she said in a very choppy way. “Well I have done so many things, I help people everyday, and they think it 's mind blowing i have the power of force--” “WAIT, you show people your power, you know mom didn 't want us doing that!” she said raising her voice and sounding worried. “No, no it 's ok, everyone loves me, and in New York they call me Vanilla Cornbread!” I yelled full of excitement. “ And if you ever want to come and visit me, you can help me save the world too!” i proclaimed waiting for a response. . . . “Ok, ill totally think about it, but the thing is . . . I met someone!” she explained. “His name is Brenden Tuff, and we started our relationship 4 months ago, so maybe if i come he can come along?” “Sure, of course!” i said trying not to sound disappointed. “Well then, i have to go, see you soon!” then she hung up. I was confused by what she meant by i 'll see you soon, but I wasn 't worried. Immediately, after i got off the phone I received an alert, that there was a crime happening at the local Walmart, so I rushed on my way. After the big crime scene, I realized it had been 5 hours. I was about to jump in the shower, because i could feel the sweat drip down my forehead. When i heard a loud BANG! I realized that the sound was coming from the front door. So I went to answer it. I had a nervous feeling in my body, because i didn 't know who it could be. I walked slowly towards the door, hearing a

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