
Descriptive Essay On A September Night

Satisfactory Essays

The first thing one is aware of on an early September night, is the cacophony of sound that inevitably assaults the unaccustomed ear. It is soft at first, beyond notice, but as one listens, it grows in volume until it is difficult to discern any noise other than the enthusiastic song of the cricket. The endless chirping of each cricket within hearing distance (and there are many) joining into a single, constant drone; a solid wall of sound. The occasional solo artist sees fit to emerge from the fray, her chirps individual and distinct—she must be the closest singer in my proximity. A gentle breeze caresses my cheek and tousles my hair, disturbing the leaves above my head, and making them whisper in agitation. In the distance, a dog barks, joining the night song. A carpet of grass and moss cushion my feet, offering the perfect seat to listen to the performance. Fallen leaves, brown and fragile, crinkle in the dark, disturbed by some phenomenon or beast. Beneath this, I can hear the distant hum of vehicles. The corner street lamp illuminates the bushes and trees in a ghostly glow, painting strange black patterns onto the grass. Pin-prick stars shine high above me, far beyond the cathedral of leaves that shelters me. Nearly in her final phase, the moon shines her pale face brightly against the midnight blue curtain her back. Earlier this evening the lightning bugs were about, offering a brief preview of the coming sky. Their sporadic glow never fails to fill me with childish

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