
Descriptive Essay On Hurricane Harvey

Decent Essays

Hurricane Essay This is the story of hurricane Harvey, which was predicting to directly hit in our area. According to the meteorologists, it was predicted that we would have thirty to forty inches of rain, that will cause flooding to streets and houses. My family and I were preparing for the storm by shopping at a grocery store to buy seven days of non-perishable foods, gallons of water, and batteries in case of a power outage. When we finished there, we searched for a gas station to fill up on a full tank of gas for our vehicles. As soon we returned home, I charged all my devices, such as cell phones and tablets. That was Friday, day one. Day two, Saturday, I sat in the house all day watching the news and the weather forecast. According to the meteorologist we were supposed to have down pouring rain but nothing happened. It was not until later that night when I was watching the Texan pre-season game that the rain started pouring down. During, the half-time my lights started going on and off. Crossing my figures hoping the power did not turn off and thankful it turns right back on in a minute. At the same time, I was curious about outside, so I decided to open the door and take a peek. The water was about to come up to my front yard, but receded to the street. The next day I woke up to the sound of the news, and it was devastating to see many homes and cars flooded. Throughout the storm, I was in my house for three days, because all the streets and highways were

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