
Descriptive Weather Day

Decent Essays

Being a born and raised native of Florida, I had my fair share of crazy weather. Whether it was the everyday torrential downpour afternoon thunderstorms or the dreaded yearly hurricane season. However, none of this prepared me for what I would encounter in my future that would make US history.
Just a few days after turning twenty-one I decided that I wanted to move out of Florida and try somewhere new. A small country town called Oneonta, just outside of Birmingham, AL is where I decided to call home. Now this town wasn’t known for much, other than football and their weather. The day I moved there I was welcomed with a horrific hail storm and the piercing sound of tornado sirens going off. I should’ve known then that maybe this town is not where I belonged.
Years had passed and it was springtime in Alabama. The bitter cold air was slowly drifting away and the flowers were starting to blossom. Sounds like the perfect time of year. Not so much, because what I quickly found out is springtime in Alabama is also tornado season in Dixie.
It was April 27, 2011, a day that still haunts my memory. Our town was expecting this day as a severe weather day. James Spann, the local weatherman had been preparing everyone for about a week now that this day had a high potential for tornadoes. I woke up that morning to a gloomy day outside my window and a bothered feeling in my gut. Turning on the tv, I knew I should see what was going on with the weather. The weatherman was on warning those

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