
Designer Babies Essay

Decent Essays

Designer Babies In the 21st century, genetics will dominate our food, our health, and our environment. Scientists are now talking about the latest taboo on the horizon, hand picking the genes of our children. The questions arise everywhere from society. Have we gone too far with the human genome project? Do we risk creating children as a medical commodity? Could it ultimately lead to parents demanding genetically-engineered offspring with good looks, intelligence, or athletic abilities? It is my position, from a practical medical perspective, that although this research has much potential, the adverse effects outweigh the positive gains. When this research is used under the motives of cosmetics, it will adversely affect our society …show more content…

It is simply because it is possible, and it is human nature to desire quality in anything we obtain. Parents, however, should be completely honest with themselves and decide would they have another child if this technology were not available. If the answer is no, parents should not proceed with the preganancy. Any propsective parent unwilling to concieve naturally demonstrates a lack of maternal instinct that would love and cherish any offspring, regardless of it's imperfections. Shannon Brownlee of the Washington Monthly states, “Fertility specialists are already getting requests from prospective parents who want to know if they can be assured their embryos won't turn out to be hyperactive or gay.” With this market demand driving the gears of this research, bioengineering will ultimately lead to a synthetic society, in which we no longer find beauty in imperfections, but in how much parents can spend on their designer. This promises a bleak future for the mankind. There is also the consideration of genetically altering fetuses for the sake of curing a disease or even stop it from passing on. Recently scientists have made rapid advances in our knowledge of the human genome and in our ability to modify and change genes. In the future we may be able to "cure" genetic diseases in embryos by replacing faulty sections of DNA with healthy DNA. This is a big step because it gives people another option. Before that, the only option was to look

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