
Designing A Built Environment : The World And New Ways Of Thinking

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Understanding typology is important when considering re-interprating a built environment. It can help to better understand how things relate to each other, notably in architecture, and how Piazzas have evolved through time. Therefore, the purpose of this first part is to look into the concept of Type in Architecture. It is during the Enlightenment —the 18th-century influential intellectual and cultural movement in Europe— that new ways of looking at the world and new ways of thinking based on the use of reason, the scientific method, and progress emerged (McKay et al. 2009, p. 533). In France, the philosophes — a group of French intellectuals (the educated elite)— wanted to spread their new views of the world and bring the light of knowledge to their ‘ignorant’ fellows (idem, p. 535), because they were against the established political and social structures and their traditional spiritual beliefs. Therefore, to create better societies and better people, they believed they had to discard outmoded traditions and embrace rationalism. Hence, nothing was to be accepted on faith anymore; everything was to be submitted to rationalism, a critical way of thinking. With the many species of animals and plants that were brought back from explorations and scientific expeditions, the need for classification became urgent. As Franck and Schneekloth say, “types and ways of typing are used to produce and reproduce the material world and to give meaning to our place in it” (Franck and

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