
The Impact of the Scientific Revolution Upon the Enlightenment

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The age of Enlightenment was a progression of the cultural and intellectual changes in Europe that had resulted from the scientific revolution during the sixteenth and seventeenth century. The scientific revolution and the discoveries made about the natural world would ultimately challenge the way people perceived the world around them. Scientist found real answers, by questioning flawed ancient beliefs that were widely held and maintained by the church. Ultimately, these discoveries and scientific advancements would evolve and effect social, cultural, and political developments in Europe over the course of time. The scientific revolution had provided certainty about the natural world that had long been questioned. With these new …show more content…

At its climax the scientific revolution would bring enormous change with the revolutionary contributions made by Isaac Newton. Newton, building on previous works produced the concepts of gravity, and he developed the three laws of motion which could be accurately proved through mathematical calculations. These discoveries about the natural world would serve to mend past uncertainties which in turn gave people real hope. It was the beginning of an end of Europe’s dark times and the birth of many new innovations and developments that were to come in the eighteenth century. It was truly a new age where through reason one could become fully become enlightened.
In addition to the breakthroughs that monopolized the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a new model of thought had emerged from the scientific revolution that would dominate the minds of eighteenth century thinkers. With the scientific revolution the world had officially become open for inquiry and it asserted that the only way to gain true knowledge was by becoming rational and objective. Using seventeenth century modes of thinking, primarily those of Descartes, Newton, and Locke, a new group of innovators emerged that would change the way people observed the world around them. At the core of this new movement were the French intellects known as the Philosophes. The French writer Voltaire, influenced

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