
Desmond Doss Quotes

Decent Essays

Do you know who Desmond Doss is? Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector, was credited with saving 75 wounded soldiers during the bloodiest battles of World War II. This essay is over the movie Hacksaw Ridge written by Robert Schenkkan and Andrew Knight, directed by Mel Gibson. Its purpose is to inform people on the information that was presented in the movie are in correlation with the real events which happened between 1942 and 1946 in Guam and Okinawa during World War II. Hacksaw Ridge holds guts and glory throughout the movie that showed the trials and tribulations that Doss and his other comrades went through Hacksaw Ridge can relate to college students and young adults in that it teaches us to take a stand and live by our convictions. Protest can be found across the United States on numerous college campuses that can be peaceful or can escalate into violent riots. In the movie Hacksaw Ridge, there are many important characters. Desmond Doss is one of the main characters. Doss was the hero of the movie. He was a member of the U.S Army’s 77th Infantry Division. Doss was raised with a fervent belief in the Bible and that on the 7th day, the Sabbath, you should rest and not work to keep the day holy. Doss was a conscientious objector. Doss refused to carry a weapon and took the 6th commandment “thou shalt not kill” to heart. Doss was harassed and the authority figures tried to make him quit and to get him removed from the platoon. Despite all of this Doss stayed true to

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