
Destruction In Macbeth

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In the play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the character Macbeth struggles to free himself from the power of others because people start to suspect him of his suspicious actions. This contributes to the theme of people's ambition for wanting to gain more power leading to destruction because Macbeth starts off as a fearless general then slowly becomes evil through his actions from his desire to become king. At the start of the play, we see Macbeth as one of the strongest and most loyal generals of the king who was later named the Thane of Cawdor. Shortly after, Macbeth meets the 3 witches and is told the prophecy of him becoming king at one point in the future by the third witch. This is what sparks Macbeth´s monstrous thoughts that he has throughout the rest of the play. His lack of patience and his ambition to gain power leads to him wanting to speed up the prophecy he was told and seize the throne. To do this, Macbeth plans to murder the king in his sleep and he does …show more content…

Since he was the son of the king, he knew that the murder would come for him next so he fled to plot his plan to overthrow the king. When Macbeth heard of this it caused him to become paranoid and live in fear of someone coming to kill him to seize the throne. Macbeth invites everyone to a banquet and finds out that Macduff didn't show up even though he had been invited. This causes Macbeth to suspect him and he kills his family. Towards the end of the play, Malcolm and Macduff come together to overthrow Macbeth to reclaim the title Malcolm was supposed to inherit and take revenge for the murder of Macduff's family. They had an all-out war against each others armys. However, Macbeth became overconfident in his power that no man born from a woman could kill him as he was told in one of the witch´s prophecies. Thus his greed for power is what eventually got him killed during his fight with

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