
Frankenstein Monster Development Essay

Decent Essays

Development of the Monster

Personal tragedies and the way people are raised from the beginning effect what kind of person they become. Frankenstein is a gothic fiction tragedy written by Mary Shelley in 1818. Victor Frankenstein is a scientist who dedicated his life to creating a new species. Victor does achieve this dream of his. However, Victor creates what he thinks is an evil monster. The monster is the most evolved character because he develops humanlike emotions, gains valuable knowledge, and revengeful to those around him.

The monster develops actual emotions despite him not being an actual human. For instance, when the monster finally finds his creator, he claims, “You must create a female for me whom I can live with in …show more content…

For example, when the monster scares the cottagers away he claims, “ I declared everlasting war against species, and more than all, against him that formed me” (Shelley 126). This shows that he has become a hopeless broken hearted creature and wants revenge on who did this to him. The monster will not stop until Victor is as miserable as he is. While Victor is still mourning of the loss of his best friend, the creature swears to him that he “shall be there on your wedding night” (Shelley 158). This is important because the monster is threatening Victor that he will kill him and his family. The reader can see that the monster will have no sympathy toward the Frankenstein family. In conclusion, the monster became evil for a short amount of time.

Throughout the novel, the monster starts as a harmless creature then becomes the villain of the story but in the end he is the lonely creature once again. The monster is not evil, he is just a lonely creature wanting affection from those around him. However, no one will show him any love because he looks like a terrifying, huge, ugly nightmare. The monster develops feelings about people and events, becomes insightful and

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