
Dialogue : My Apologetic Dialogue

Decent Essays

For my apologetic dialogue, I used the template provided through the course pages as a foundation for the conversation I would have with my friend. I met Jessica through a coworker a few years ago and was generally aware of her current lifestyle, but was unsure of her background. I was prompted to reach out to her as someone with a different worldview than my own. We had our discussion over the phone on November 11, 2017 around 10 AM and went until around 11:15 AM. I also sent her a copy of the questions through email so that she could read along for more detailed questions.
I started out the discussion by explaining again the reason for this conversation and the intent behind it, to understand her perspective better and gain …show more content…

Mary: It feels like they decide whether you’re a good or bad person based on their standards of morality. What about you, do you think human beings are basically good in nature or basically evil? Why?
Jessica: I believe human beings are basically good in nature with a few anomalies that are born with unbalanced chemistries that push them more towards naturally evil (ie the psychopathic brain).
Mary: So even those people who would be labelled as “evil” like psychopaths, pedophiles, terrorists etc. are basically good, they just have a sort of “pre-existing mental condition” that keeps them from expressing that good?
Jessica: that’s one way to put it.
Mary: I guess one question I have with that is what about those things which aren’t part of a chemical imbalance specifically. Like terrorism, racism, and things like that. Things that aren’t medical conditions but most people would say is wrong. Are these people still basically good because they earnestly believe that what they are doing is good?
Jessica: That’s a little tough to figure out. I guess they are still basically good as humans, but have been corrupted by the cultures or families they grew up in who led them to believe these things were ok.
Mary: If you had to pick the biggest problem of humanity, either something on the list provided or something else, what would you pick and why? Jessica: I feel like this is never going to be one thing. It’s always going to be a

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