
Dichotomy In Film

Decent Essays

Beginning at a very young age in our lives, the film industry influences the way in which each individual interprets the actions that are taken by a character in a film. The constant portrayal of what characteristics would best fit with defining what it is to be a hero, seem to focus mainly on masculine traits. The desirable traits that are illustrated in the majority of the films are being independent, strong, and most importantly a male. However, the film Maleficent (2014), contradicts this idea. This film tells the story of Maleficent (Angelina Jolie), a young woman that has been fooled into believing in true love. When the person she believed was her true love, removes her most precious weapon she is left with great agony and thirst for …show more content…

Disney princesses are saved by the prince; this portrays the idea that men must represent the warrior and tough character, while the women are believed to be fragile and dependent. Maleficent represents a dichotomy that is not widely used within the cinema, in which Maleficent becomes the hero of the film. Unlike many other Disney films, this film portrays the woman as a powerful individual, she is not afraid of fighting in order to save her land and will not give up until she achieves her goal. Her courage is illustrated when King Henry (Kenneth Cranham) wants to invade Moors, the realm that Maleficent rules, and she stays strong and does not let them takeover her world. She did not hide from them, instead she confronted them, and was willing to protect her world with her own life. Additionally, she is not depending on a male character to come and save her, instead she uses her own strength, intelligence, and courage, and becomes the savior in the film. (More examples) (More …show more content…

This is due to the fact that females are portrayed as being fragile, emotional, and dependent. Disney fairytales have a constant reoccurring theme in which the male character will save the princess from an enchantment, with the idea that a kiss from a true love will eliminate the curse. According to Jack Zipes, author of “Fairytales and the Art of Subversion” says that “the patriarchal notion is that all women should remain comatose until then rescued by a prince.” (Sneed) This proves that Disney films focused on the dominance of male characters over the females. The princess was prone to being more fragile and afraid of becoming independent. Even though the princess is the main character in the Disney films, they are deprived of their ability to think and act for themselves, without the need of a

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