
Dicristina Analysis

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Dicristina discusses the relationship between sympathy, the victim, and the criminal. He states that we ‘Naturally feel more sympathy for the victim than the offender.’ Despite this instinct, this does not mean we cannot feel sympathy for the criminal at all. As we have seen, through both novels sympathy has been successfully induced for the offenders. Dicristina also discusses the idea that as sympathy for the victim grows, punishment for the criminal become more severe. He doesn’t however, discuss this in terms of criminal sympathy. It would, therefore, be rational to assume that as sympathy for the offender grows, opinion of how severe the punishment should be for them decreases. The specific information that’s included in novels can be …show more content…

Foucault discusses how the criminal benefits from ‘a spontaneous wave of sympathy: ‘His acts of violence were seen as descending directly from old struggles.’ Capote frequently uses this feature and includes Perry’s disturbed childhood to conjure sympathy for him. To give just one example, he includes eight pages of psychiatric analysis that blame his problems on his childhood environment. He does this less so for Dick, but as we already have seen, Capote pays a lot more attention to Perry than anyone else. This feature is also seen in Helter Skelter with an inclusion of a detailed description of Manson’s deviant past. To a certain extent, this works for conjuring sympathy for Manson. However, when coupled with the bias prosecuting narration, the sympathy seems to become less …show more content…

It has also discovered that how that sympathy is narrated, can play an extensive part in the reader’s judgment of the criminal. I’ve shown through Capote, that bias narration is a useful tool in causing readers to feel sympathy for the offender. In addition to this, using other offenders as an antithesis can also be a huge aid when trying to evoke criminal sympathy. Despite this, the inclusion of factual elements in the narrative is also a useful device in sympathy evocation. This is arguably a better way of doing so as readers are much more likely to have faith in a factual narration as opposed to a biased one. Despite this, Capote still manages to evoke more sympathy for Perry than Dick in In Cold Blood. This would seemingly be simply down to the sheer difference in pages spent discussing each convict in the novel. The amount spent on the psychiatric analysis of the two is a good example of this. Capote spends eight pages giving evidence for Perry and only three for

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