
Diction Analysis

Decent Essays

Diction is the selection of words in a literary work. Diction conveys action, implies attitudes, develops themes, suggests values, and reveals a character. Diction and contrasting imagery are really important because they are what readers react and connect to. “The Flowers”, a short story by Alice Walker, is a great example of diction at play. This short story uses contrasting imagery and diction to develop and show meaning in the work. The contrasting imagery and diction convey meaning in Alice Walker’s short story, “The Flowers” because they show how the happy and good times shifted towards gloomy and sad moments. Also, the contrasting imagery and diction identify the loss of childhood innocence as a theme and they describe how Myop …show more content…

The diction and contrasting imagery also conveys meaning to the text by showing a shift in the theme of the work. In the beginning of the short story, diction and imagery played their role in conveying Myop to be and innocent, young, and happy girl. Towards the middle, Myop was hinted to having an altering innocence. Finally, the diction and contrasting imagery shatters Myop’s life because it portrays a loss of childhood innocence. Seeing the dead man changed the way she saw life. Instead of grazing fields and golden surprises, she now saw an empty man with large, broken, “white teeth,” “rotted clothes,” and his head “spinning restlessly in the breeze.” The word choice and imagery chosen to describe this scene conveyed meaning to “The Flowers” because it revealed that Myop’s character was now experiencing a loss of innocence and that the happy and pleasant moments were completely gone. The description and imagery used to describe the guy illustrates a horrific scene in the readers mind and conveys that the story had just experienced a plot twist from peaceful times to depressing and somber moments. There are many instances in which diction and contrasting imagery convey meaning in “The Flowers.” The contrasting imagery sets the setting of the story and defines the way Myop sees the world. The diction elaborates on the setting, reveals Myop’s character, and illustrates her loss of childhood innocence. The diction

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