
Diction In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

Diction allows readers to interpret the author’s text in the way he or she hopes. Shakespeare’s word choice in the famous balcony scene, is what makes it the famous balcony scene. By writing Romeo and Juliet’s monologues as poetic as they are, Shakespeare is able to create a meaningful scene. Romeo calls Juliet a “bright angel… [that is]... as glorious to [the] night… as is a winged messenger of heaven” (Shakespeare ln 26-28). Rather than just writing that Juliet is as beautiful as an angel, Shakespeare uses adjectives that paint a more vivid picture. By saying “winged messenger of heaven” rather than angel, the reader is able to gain a clearer understanding of how much Romeo loves Juliet. Shakespeare’s diction when Juliet is asking Romeo if

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