
Did Desdemona Love Othello

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The story of Desdemona is interesting in that the play implies that her nature was one of honesty, goodness, and kindness. Moreover, even on her deathbed where most would tell the name of the individual who killed them, she says “Nobody; I myself” (Shakespeare, 2014, 5.2.128). Subsequently, the significance of this declaration derives from the previous statement by Emilia, “Oh, who hath done this deed?” (Shakespeare, 2014, 5.2.127), when she asks who had harmed Desdemona. So, the likely meaning of this phrase is that Desdemona loved Othello so greatly that even though he killed her, she could not bring herself to blame him for her death.

There is information to follow this theory in that before her death, Desdemona understood that Othello

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