
Did John Proctor Have A Good Reputation In The Crucible

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In Salem, Massachusetts 1692, a good reputation and the ability to follow the Puritan religion are two very important qualities to people of Salem. However, two key figures in the town of Salem during the witch trials struggled to pursue these qualities. Throughout each act of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, reputation is continuously a rising conflict; Reverend Samuel Parris and John Proctor allow the fear of bad reputations to interfere with the Puritan beliefs to do the right thing.
Reverend Samuel Parris' only concern, during the Salem witch trials, was the protection of his good status within the town of Salem. Parris did not see the controversy his strong willed persistence of having a perfect reputation caused. In the beginning of the play, Reverend Parris is battling …show more content…

Reverend Parris and John Proctor are both men who will not budge from their strong faith and beliefs, yet both Proctor and Parris cause themselves to be in predicaments that go against their religion. For example, when John commits lechery and when Reverend Parris charges numerous innocent people with witchcraft. Both men also realize by the time they try to fix the conflict at hand, it is already too late. For instance, when they finally understand that accusing more people of witchcraft will not solve the problems but only make it worse. However by the end of act four both Reverend Parris and John Proctor see the resolution to their conflicts. John realizes what he has to do save his family and prove not only to Elizabeth but to himself as well that he truly is a good and honest man. Just as Elizabeth states in the remaining moments of the play "He have his goodness now, God forbid I take it from him."(1273), Elizabeth knows John finds his peace. Also, Reverend Parris comes to the conclusion that the whole trial is absurd and quickly tries to help the innocent people he

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