
Pros And Cons Of The Reformation

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Could the Reformation had been stopped? Why or Why not? At the turn of the fifteenth century practices of Christianity came under much scrutiny which caused a demand in reformation. Fueled by changing monarchies, intellectual expansion, new technologies in printing, and a challenge to Christendom as a whole, the Reformation was inevitable and could not be stopped. These ideals of reformation stemmed from the same humanistic ideals of the Renaissance that humans should strive for self-improvement and education, resulting in the reformation of Christianity. Equally through the desire to seek improvement, arose Christian humanist’s who wanted all people across the world to gain accessibility to the word of God and the ability to read it. Consequently Christian humanist’s such as Desiderius Erasmus, Thomas Moore, and Martin Luther brought about controversial ideas that challenged the long dominant reign of the Catholic Church which sparked the beginning of religious reformation across Europe. During the Middle Ages Christianity hit a peak of power and demonstrated complete dominance across Europe by completely influencing harsh penalties on non-Christians. These practices were extremely distasteful and angered Catholic followers which sparked the challenge of Papal powers during the Renaissance period. With the development of humanism during the Renaissance came a new idea of change known as known as the “Northern Renaissance humanism” which demanded amendments to

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