
Difference Between Guilt And Shame

Decent Essays

Shame is similar to guilt and it is not unusual to hear someone use the terms interchangeably. However, the difference between the two should not go unnoticed. While guilt is the feeling that rouses us to be uncomfortable with what we have done, shame is the feeling that affect us to be uncomfortable with who we are. Guilt tells us that I did wrong and shame tells us that something about me is wrong.

In part 1 of this series I proposed the idea that shame is an emotion, and like all emotions shame is neither good nor bad. Though, it is not uncommon for us to think of some emotions such as happiness or love as good, and consider other emotions such as anger and sadness as bad, this is not the best way to view emotions. Instead, we should …show more content…

It is there to warn us that something is wrong. It is there to guide us back to our subjective ensemble of acceptance. Shame helps us to know our place, but if the purpose of shame is to help us find or remain where we can find belonging, then the answer to the pain that is associated with shame should be found in being accepted, and securely and intimately attached to other people or groups. Theoretically, a sense of belonging ought to reduce the pain of shame and acceptance eliminate shame all together. Unfortunately, a sense of belonging does not come that easily when we feel unworthy, thus finding acceptance and connection becomes nearly impossible. Shame is messy, complex and unpredictable. All too often the notion of shame is cloaked from the possessor of shame. Understandably, there are times when the roots of shame are obvious, but more so than not, shame is buried deep under layers and layers of disgrace, pride and fear; therefore, making it difficult to sort …show more content…

We tend to think something is wrong with us, we are uncomfortable with our own existence and don't know how to fix it. We do not understand where these feelings come from and contrary to popular belief shame does not have to be the fault of the person harboring the pain. It is Shame can be the product many different unmerited issues. An example of unmerited shame provoking issues may include; negligent parenting, bullying, abuse, physical or intellectual, limitations, rejection of love interest, lack of intimate companionship, socioeconomic conditions, value conflicts with peer groups, etc. Shame may also be the product of one's own doing. Some examples of self induced shame might include; an infringement of perceived social norms, an act of dishonor among peers group or family, illegal actions, violation of ones own values or religious beliefs, etc. Regardless of where the shame comes from we still need have to deal with

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