
Difference Between John Locke And Thomas Hobbes

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The Social Contract theory has been debated by many different key thinkers and philosophers throughout the ages. Individuals such as Socrates, Rousseau and many others put forth a valiant effort in attempting to describe what that definition means to them. However, the two individuals focused on in this essay are well-known in this category of thinking. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes both verbalize their contrasting viewpoints and beliefs when it comes to the social contract theory, but they seem to disagree on many different issues that lie within the realm of this topic such as the state of nature, certain laws of nature and even their views on war and peacetime. Although they differ on many of these key details in their philosophies, one of the biggest distinctions between the two is their reasoning why governments are necessary. To Hobbes, it’s purely for self-preservation or staying alive, while Locke believes the government is only necessary for the preservation of property, as well as life and liberty. Both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke begin their theories on how people live together in society with the idea of the state of nature. This state of nature can be best described as an arena with no overarching power or law to keep people in line. In this specific state, the individual is essentially in charge because there is no single governing body. However, both of these thinkers characterize their state of nature a bit differently. According to Hobbes, a one word

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