
Difference Between Partisanship And Ideology Essay

Decent Essays

When distinguishing the difference between Ideology and Partisanship, the concepts of Political Socialization, Party Identification, Political Tolerance, Political Trust, Political Efficacy, and Ideology all help in providing you with a better understanding. There are many agents of socialization including: individuals and institutions, family, school, peer groups, and mass media. In each individuals decision to follow a political socialization, they should always consider what may be building their stand point. In class we discussed how family was the leading factor in kids decisions to follow a political socialization because most kids our age like to mirror our parents. Many agents such as family and peers pass down their beliefs to passive young subjects and this is how we begin to learn. I am considered a leaning conservative according to the results after our in class poll. I would not say my family had much influence on me considering they are all strict conservatives and I possess a small amount of liberalism. I was too young to completely understand politics until I was around 10 years old when Barack obama came into office. I'm a headstrong conservative that believes in personal responsibility and traditional Amercian values. I do not have much trust in the government and msot liberals think that government should handle all problems. …show more content…

I feel that they should not have freedom to do the things they believe in because it is simply wrong. Atheists would have to be the worst group of the three to me, mostly because I'm a strong believer in Jesus Christ. My eighth grade year of middle school we visited the Holocaust Museum and I experienced things I could not even imagine. I would never in my life support Neo Nazis protesting the opening of a Holocaust Museum. The fact that it has already happened once in Skokie, April 2009 breaks my

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