
Essay about Political Socialization

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Political Socialization

Political socialization begins early on in life and is an ongoing process affecting individuals throughout. It is how people eventually identify personal beliefs and expectations in American politics. These political views can include our level of patriotism, faith in the democratic system, standards by which we hold governing bodies, and opinions regarding public policies. From the playground to the classroom, the office to the dinner table, much of our lives affect our political opinions. The most easily identified agents of this are family, schooling, peers, mass media, political parties and religious influences. Furthermore, these means indoctrinate us in the political society through four basic …show more content…

As one matures, a certain peer groups reinforce beliefs. Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, in her book Spiral of Silence, explains individuals inherently fear social isolation from peers and are apprehensive of speaking out against group ideas (Patterson 161).
Religion appeals to one's sense of affective socialization by encouraging puritan values and morals supported by the church. The highly inviolable issue of abortion parleys condemnation by the Catholic Church against the advocating for women's rights by pro-choice groups. Catholics, while the strongest advocates, do not stand alone on this issue, as many religions preach abortion is the murder of a child. By relating a medical procedure to murder, people are emotionally affected, and instead of thinking rationally, resort to emotions to defend their stance.
Schools are another important faction in delivering affective socialization, but also deliver instrumental socialization to America's youth. Elementary classroom instruction is generally where children receive their first concrete lessons on the American political system. Teachers perform the important civic duty of instructing young Americans in political history, general laws and rights, and patriotism. Take for example the Pledge of Allegiance, recited across the nation in elementary classrooms.
Day-in and day-out, children are ingrained with a

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