
Difference Between Son And Sonnets

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In literature sonnets have been structured according to two major principle categories. A sonnet could be either ‘the English’ (also known as the Shakespearean sonnet) or could be ‘the Italian’ (also commonly known as the Petrarchan sonnet) (Mays, 2014). In the English sonnet, the sonnet is divided into three units with each unit having four lines which are known as the quatrains and a final unit that is made up of two lines which are known as couplet making up a total of fourteen lines pg 644. Usually the poem is laid out sometimes with line spacing to give a clear outline that the sonnet is an English sonnet. The sonnet is also distinguished using the rhyme scheme applied which …show more content…

The next factor would be to look at the theme and the relation of the author and who he is talking about; this sonnet is clearly a love poem of its own uniqueness, in the sense that it is not the normal appraisal way in which love poems are addressed but nonetheless at the end bring out the love part of it in the couplet unit of the sonnet. Shakespeare in this poem is addressing his mistress, whom using conceits (metaphorically) has compared the beauty of his lover to other beauties although never in the lover’s favor for instance; ‘her eyes are nothing like the sun, her lips are less red than coral,’ pg647 (Mays, 2014). This sonnet is rather confusing in the quatrains but in the couplet unit Shakespeare clarify any doubts by stating that she is however of rare beauty and is valuable.’ And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare, as any she belied with false compare.’ Pg 647 (Mays, 2014)
In the same book of sonnets we as well find Henry constable’s sonnet”My lady’s presence makes the roses red.”
My lady's presence makes the roses red (a
Because to see her lips they blush for shame (b
The lily's leaves for envy pale became,(b
And her white hands in them this envy bred.(a
The marigold abroad its leaves did spread(a
Because the sun's and her power is the same(b
The violet of purple colour came,(b
Dyed with the blood she made my heart to shed.(a
In brief, all flowers from her their virtue take; (c
From her sweet breath their sweet smells do proceed;

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