
Difference In Personal Values In Utopia, By Thomas More

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Can a difference of five century make a such difference in personal values and opinions? The key to this answer is the book “Utopia” written by Thomas More who was a layer, revolutionary philosopher, author, and humanist - which indirectly criticized the European society . The major idea of this text is fairness, love of labour, and severe punishments and rewards. Although this book was written in 1516, it still influences philosophers and us in the modern day, but what’s so different about Utopia and our modern society? Well, some aspects are significantly different, especially in personal values which makes the concept of Utopia extraordinarily interesting.

Firstly, religion. Both in Utopia and Japan, the freedom of religion is guaranteed. However the types of major religions, opinion towards death and priests are significantly different.
In Utopia, although there are various polytheistic denominations and nature worship, majority of its people believes in omnipotent god called Mithras. They believes that the Gods are incomprehensive, immortal, and inexplicable, but in Japan, Shinto is most popular. It is eccentric because it has neither the commandments nor scriptures, and their fundamental belief is based on the idea of worship of ancestors and nature spirits. [How Religious Are Japanese People?] Therefore some aspects …show more content…

There are no specific law banning euthanasia, however the basic framework was announced by the court in two cases,which required the agreement from the patient and the condition that patient’s death and excruciating pain is inevitable. However in both cases the defendants were found guilty[Hongo]Although 74% of Japanese is in favor of euthanasia, some argues that Japan’s population decline will accelerate, and some considers the probability of practicing euthanasia without the patient’s agreement. However, apparently nothing is brought up to the parliament yet.

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