
Differences And Similarities Between Lady Macbeth And The Laboratory

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Both Robert Browning and William Shakespeare present their characters as strong, yet flawed individuals. This essay will explore the ways in which Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth of ‘Macbeth’ and Browning presents the Narrator of the poem ‘The Laboratory’ in these ways by comparing both texts and using quotes to demonstrate this as both do this by using a variety of different language techniques and devices. This essay will compare how audiences would have reacted during the Victorian and Elizabethan era, compared to a 21st century audience today.
William Shakespeare portrays Lady Macbeth as a confident individual all throughout the play, this is evident when Shakespeare uses personification to describe Lady Macbeth’s tongue when she says ‘chastise with the valour of my tongue’ in Act 1 Scene 7, this highlights her manipulative …show more content…

Shakespeare emphasises this when Lady Macbeth says 'screw your courage to the sticking place and we'll not fail’ when talking to Macbeth. Browning also does this when the narrator says ' grind away, moisten and mash up thy paste, pound at thy powder, I am not in haste!" to the scientist. Both characters use imperative verbs and quite violent words such as ‘grind’, ‘mash’ and ‘screw’, which make the speaker sound quite aggressive and demanding. The women are shown to be ordering the men around and telling them what to do in an impolite manner, this would be seen as unorthodox especially during the 16th century as women were seen as inferior to men, whereas compared to the 21st century both women would be seen as quite strong in contrast. Both characters have different aims, Lady Macbeth is shown to be telling Macbeth to become more brave to kill the King and commit regicide whereas the narrator is demanding the person making the poison in the apothecary to take their time making the perfect poison in order for her to kill her ex-lovers new love

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