
Differences Between American Psycho And The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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American Psycho and The Picture of Dorian Gray
Film and Literature
Richard Lankford
Bret Easton Ellis's dark and violent burlesque of America in the 1980s is taken to the screen in this disturbing drama (2000, American Psycho) with blackly comic overtones. Patrick Bateman, played by Christian Bale), the son of a wealthy Wall Street banker, is chasing his profitable career with his father's firm. Bateman is the perfect well-groomed, obsessed with success, fashion, and style.
Dorian Gray is also a serial killer who murders, rapes, and harms strangers and the acquaintances without any signs or a motive. Donald Kimble, played by Willem
Dafoe, is a police detective who questions Patrick about the vanishing of Paul Allen, played by Jared Leto. However, …show more content…

The primary plot of the Picture of Dorian Gray is that he wants to remain young and looks beautiful forever, while American Psycho opens up with the rituals that Jason Bateman goes through every morning in order to look good.
The Picture of Dorian Gray and American Psycho can be connected to each other.
They both explore ethical motive as a concept and the moral impact of living according to that lifestyle. They both portray a self-loving, superficial and psychologically unstable character. In a way, I believe that American Psycho can almost be seen as a more modern presentation of how morality exists in today’s society and how an indulgent person would act and acquire his thrills in the society we live in.
Both characters are super flawed and troubled protagonists. Both characters have everything on the surface. Both characters use mistaken identity as an excuse to avoid being held accountable for their crimes. (Dorian tells Sybyll's brother that he is too young to be the "Prince Charming" responsible for Sybylls suicide and Bateman masquerades around as Paul Allen and others to avoid detection). Both are

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