
Differences Between Compassion And Compassion

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The article, “Compassion: Our First Instinct” and the videos, “How do You Define Yourself” and “ No one Dines Alone” expanded my knowledge about compassion by teaching me that compassion is a skill everyone has that can improve their mental health and that to show compassion to others you first have to show it to yourself.

The article, “Compassion: Our First Instinct¨ contributes to my understanding of compassion because it taught me that compassion is a natural skill that is key to our survival and can be used to make yourself happy. The author states. ¨in a study giving treats to others increased the giver's happiness more than when they were the one receiving treats themselves. This quote is saying that the more you give the happier …show more content…

One similarity between “How do You Define Yourself” and “Compassion: Our First Instinct” is that they both state that compassion is a necessary skill for us to have and use but they differ when Compassion: Our First Instinct states that compassion is a natural skill but How do You Define Yourself combats that when it states “compassion is a learned art that takes practice and dedication.” A similarity between “No One Dines Alone” and “Compassion: Our First Instinct” is that they both agree that compassion is a necessary skill that can be used to improve mental health because “Compassion: Our First Instinct” directly stated this and “No One Dines Alone” says that one of the students who participated in this says that when he joined the group and sat with other kids he felt even better than when he had someone sit with him when he was in that situation. One way these two sources differ is that they have different takes on how to show compassion, in “No One Dines Alone” they find that the best way to show compassion is to spend time with someone but in “Compassion; Our First Instinct” they think that just giving thinks like material objects is the best way to show compassion. The similarities and differences between the articles deeper developed my understanding of compassion because they showed me that there are many different takes on compassion one not right or wrong but all prove that compassion is a necessary skill that if used makes you

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