
Different Characteristics Of The Middle Age And The Elderly

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The two populations are the Middle age and the Elderly that I find to be most interesting, and most different. When it comes to an Emergency Reponses situation and the prepare in the plans is one that requires a multiple faceted approach. That approach must incorporate the physical, emotional and self-sustainment needs. To many times do individual, rely on the response to deal with if issues and this leaves an added burden on coordinators and organization to get them, in a hurry. This in turns pulls assets away from other needed areas. .

Describe the unique characteristics that make each population vulnerable. In compare the unique characteristics of the two populations. I determine that to keep it simple it would have to be the Elderly (65 and older) and Middle (30 to 50) age. For me these are two extremes, the vulnerability have some similarly and they have some very different vulnerabilities, do to aging, and the ability to get around. Another vulnerability that is financial, many older populations have a fixed income. Make them more susceptible to damage to infrastructure during an Emergency Situations.

Differentiate between the management strategies for populations with accessibility and functional needs.
The management strategies for each population are different and requires considerable more to support them. During the compares of the populations, several things come to mind when you manage the two different populations. The amount of assets needed

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