
Different Definitions For Cultural Competency

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There are various definitions for cultural competency depending on the various, but each definition relates to one thing, understanding an environment other than your own. In the Psychology dictionary, cultural competency is defined as, “Taking ownership of the abilities and insight which are recommended for and particular to a chosen culture.” To be culturally competent, one must possess the capacity to work effectively with people from a variety of ethnic, cultural, political, economic, and religious backgrounds. It is being aware and respectful of others values, beliefs, and traditions. As social workers whom work closely with children, we must be mindful to the customs and parenting styles of those we serve. Cultural competency is …show more content…

These standards provide guidance to social workers in all areas of social work practice in responding effectively to culture and cultural diversity in policy and practice settings. (NASW) The standards provided by the National Association of S.W. are to enhance knowledge, skills, and values in practice and policy development relative to culturally diverse populations. In other words, they are set into place for everyone to be treated fairly.
There is often as wide a range of differences within groups. Examples of the different types of cultural groups are gender, culture, disability, parental status etc. Within each group, we must take into account the differences in each group. Cultural considerations are crucial to the effectiveness of any counseling approach. ( J.J Murphy) For example, a white social worker may not see oppression in Black Americans, because they are going through conflict and pain themselves, and they have not considered the pain blacks endured and their white oppression. (G. Applebey) Another example of cultural consideration is Hispanics and Latinos. In an article by Karen Peterson-Iyer, it states that “The United States defines someone "Hispanic" or "Latino" as a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.” (K. Peterson) In the Unites States, Hispanics are not considered as a race. The Hispanic culture is not taken into

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