
Cultural Competency : Cultural Analysis

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Cultural Competency Conundrum While examining the life of the Lee family, it was easy to identify that Hmong culture is much different than Western culture today. The Lee’s faced many adversities that not only affect their lives but the life of their ill daughter Lia. By analyzing culture, stigma, prevention, and implications, one can begin to see how the Hmong culture collides in the care of Lia.
Saving Lives and Culture
When it comes to saving someone’s life or respecting a cultural belief, the best advice would be to respect the client’s wishes. For instance, if a nurse has a patient who is an unconscious Jehovah witness and is in need of a blood transfusion, it is important that the nurse recognizes this belief and respects the …show more content…

Moreover, this was where the difference in cultures really seem to collide.
Understanding History The Hmong’s perception of the United States was hindered when they felt betrayed. The United States began the trail of betrayal when the “airlifts rescued only the officers from Long Tieng, leaving everyone else behind” (Fadiman, 2012, p. 215). Frustration is understandable since the Hmong “risked their lives to rescue downed American pilots” which consequentially led to the forced fleeing from their country (Fadiman, 2012, p. 215). The next betrayal occurred when those “who wanted to come to the United States were not automatically admitted” especially after what they had done already (Fadiman, 2012, p. 215). By this point, patience and understanding would be gone, but the Hmong continued to persevere. Once the Hmong had arrived in the United States, the next three betrayals soon followed. The Hmong heard “they were ineligible for veteran’s benefits”, they were “condemned for eating welfare”, and that “welfare would stop” (Fadiman, 2012, p. 215). It would be hard to understand why this was happening after all the help that was provided.
The betrayals led to many issues both culturally and relationally that would later affect the Lee’s and the care of their daughter. For instance, as a culture group, the Hmong’s are very persistent and “do not like to take orders; that they do not like to lose; that they

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