
Different Types Of Graffiti Of Philadelphia

Decent Essays

There are many different types of graffiti that can be seen in Philadelphia. One of the most known and noticeable types are Throw-ups. Throw-ups are similar to tags, but they are more complicated. Often written in bubble letters and are filled in by a wide selection of colors (Delana), They can usually be located on large trucks, walls like the side of buildings, rooftops, train systems, billboards and convenience stores (Ferrel). Throw-ups do not reek of decay and vandalism like some may see them as, they have a long history in Philadelphia and actually add value and life to the some of the areas in the city that they are placed. In the early 70’s the common style of graffiti was tagging just a single lined tag, later on as the 70’s progressed a graffiti artist known as T-Bone who was the leader of the graffiti club, KCD (Klub City Decorators) drove up to New York City to check out the graffiti scene up there. When he arrived, he saw double wide lettering (like Bubble words) all over the subway and he was amazed. The lettering was filled in and not only had the name of the artist but also had objects drawn next to the name like a parrot on a tree. Something like that had never been seen before in Philly during that time. Upon seeing New York style and loving it, T-Bone and his friends brought the style back to Philadelphia with them. They were arguably known to start New York style in Philly. Later on this “New York style” would be called Throw-up, double wide lettering

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