
Digital Resource Notebook Analysis

Decent Essays

This course has greatly influenced my ideas on literacy as well as provided me with many ways to implement literacy in a content area classroom. Prior to this class I would have defined literacy as simply reading and writing. After completing this course I have found that literacy is a much more complex, all-encompassing word that involves comprehension, analysis, synthesis and much more. Literacy is essential to a history classroom since we often ask students to read and view primary source documents to explain the events of the past. The strategies in my Digital Resource Notebook are intended to help develop student’s literacy skills through a historical lens. The strategies that I have identified in my Digital Resource Notebook will inform my teaching in many ways. The first strategy I want to discuss is cause and effect mapping. This strategy is essential to a history classroom. Cause and effect mapping helps students analyze and interpret text structure through the synthesis of the cause and effect of a historical event. Cause and effect is an easy idea to transfer to student’s lives since …show more content…

I see myself using this technique constantly in my history classroom. In my Digital Resource Notebook I have listed some variations to the Exit ticket strategy, this shows how versatile this technique can be. The particular variation I like is the entrance ticket. I think that the entrance ticket technique helps teachers discover what their students already know about a topic or what ideas they might have not understood in the prior class. Checking for understanding is extremely important when it comes to literacy. Students need to be able to comprehend the material in order to master it. If students don’t have a solid background of information to work from it is impossible to move forward with new content. Exit tickets are also a great tool to evaluate questions that students might

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