
Dimension 1: Treatment Plan Components

Satisfactory Essays

Dimension 1: Acute intoxication and Withdrawal Potential Dimension 1 - Treatment Plan Components: Problems, Goals, Objectives, and Interventions: Update of Treatment Plan Components: Client reported alcohol as his drug of choice with the last use date of March, 2017. No acute intoxication or withdrawal symptoms were reported. No treatment plan was developed in this dimension. Client appears to be stable at this time. Risk Rating: 0 Dimension 1 - Recommended ASAM Level of Care: 0 _________________________________________________________________________ Dimension 2: Biomedical Dimension 2 - Treatment Plan Components: Problems, Goals, Objectives, and Interventions: Update of Treatment Plan Components: No problem was identified at …show more content…

Client states “I accepted responsibility for the decision that I made that have led to legal conflicts.” Client appears to cope more effectively with his stress, and is in compliance with all his legal and treatment requirements. Client reported participation in self-help activities/ program, and his family is supportive of his recovery, as …show more content…

Attended all treatment group as scheduled and actively participated in the group discussion and provided supportive feedback to others group members. Client is in compliance with treatment and all his legal mandates, and appears to be in the action stage of change. Overall, client is making steady progress in treatment. Plan - Client Objectives until next review: attend monthly group as scheduled, verify sober support meetings, schedule and attend individual sessions, provide UA when asked, and comply with legal mandates to maintain the privilege of deferred prosecution. Client is to work on treatment plan on a timely manner. Plan - The counselor Interventions until next review: Client is to continue current level of treatment to fulfill the court requirement. Counselor will work closely with the probation officer to help the client to complete his treatment successfully. Counselor will continue to motivate and educate to address alcohol use disorder and support remission and long-term

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