
Dinosaurs: The Juurassic Period

Decent Essays

Dinosaurs lived over 65 million years ago, part of their existence was in pangea which broke up 200 million years ago. There were three periods. The triassic period, the jurassic period, and the cretaceous period.

The triassic period was the first period of the mesozoic era and happened between 251 and 199 million years ago. The triassic period was when other animals started to form that could walk on land and not in water.

The jurassic period was the second period of the mesozoic era and happened between 199 and 145 million years ago. The jurassic period is when the gigantic continent ( pangea ) split apart and into the other continents. This period is when the herbivores (plant eaters) came to existence. oceans full of fish, squid, and

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