
Disadvantages Of Water Bottling

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Bottle or Tap? Water, clear and pure, is desired by the thirsty. She tempts the lips and promises good. Yet, water is a hidden evil and deceptive to the naked eye. Water has the ability to hide chemical dangers behind her shimmering, silky blue disguise. She dances and flows through streams and rivers. She seduces coastlines into her arms. She flies and falls and is beloved by all. Not wanting to be found she hides within the ground. Only a prince in shining armor may draw her out. The search for life-giving water has proven to be a challenging endeavor. Even though approximately 70% of the earth is covered and abundant in water, less than 1% of all of the world’s water is drinkable. The remaining 99% is salt water and ice. While we have advanced in technology for extracting, purifying, and distributing water, many still thirst. Luckily, plastic bottling has opened new doors to water distribution. Water bottles not only are portable to places without water piping systems but also help alleviate restricted water access in areas of disaster. While the water bottle appears to solve many problems and creates convenience, many people are still weary of its popularity and growth.
“To Buy or not to Buy? Perceptions of Bottled Drinking Water in Australia and New Zealand,” was written by Angela T. Ragusa, doctor of sociology and interdisciplinary studies. Ragusa is the editor-in-chief of Rural Society, a journal that publishes research and analysis of contemporary rural societies,

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