
Discipleship In The Gospel Of Mark Essay

Decent Essays

In the gospel of Mark, Peter is the first one to discover who Jesus is. Throughout most of Jesus’s life, the only people who know his true identity were God, the spirits, satan, and other spiritual beings like that. In the gospel of Mark, two additional people learn of who Jesus really is. Peter is the first to learn, and later on, after Jesus has been crucified, a Roman Centurion looks up at Jesus and realizes that “Truly this man is God’s son!” Every other person in Jesus’s life does not truly know that he is the son of God. This is significant because Jesus gets people to follow him and have faith in him and God without them knowing for sure who he is. This very principle shows that the disciples had faith and they believed in Jesus. …show more content…

These disciples that followed Jesus and claimed to be his right hand man, and even fought among themselves to be Jesus’s right hand man. The disciples didn’t understand what he meant when he told them that he was the king and they were his servants. They thought that he meant that he was going to fight to win battles and gold, and that they should follow if they wanted to be successful. They showed that they didn’t understand the message that Jesus was trying to send by bickering among themselves while on the road about who is the greatest among themselves. Peter basically asks Jesus if he can be his right hand man, and all of the other disciples are very displeased with this, and Jesus can see that Peter clearly does not understand what Jesus teaches and neither do the rest of the disciples because they continue to fight among themselves. This is significant because Jesus tells Peter that he will betray him 3 times before a rooster crows. Peter denies it of course, and Jesus says that all of the disciples will betray him, and they all deny it. This is significant because the disciples do in fact betray Jesus because they don’t know who he is. They were blind. They did not know who Jesus really was and yet, Jesus died for their sins, their sins of betraying the very person that saved

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