
Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Most everyone is the world has felt the feeling of being discriminated. All throughout history, women has been more populated worldwide, yet men are the dominant one. This applies with most things. Such as social class, genetically, racially, religions, age, etc. Well in the book To Kill the Mockingbird the theme is discrimination. Harper Lee shows discrimination, not just between races, but people in widespread. Why? Because of reputation. She displays that discriminating people is amiss, because we don’t know who the people really are in the story, we are just depending it on rumors, reputation, or skin color. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I i Harper Lee has lots of strong racial discrimination in the novel. In the Tom …show more content…

It is, indeed, important to consider the other issues of bias that exist in the narrative. These other biases are social and religious. In the near beginning of the novel, Scout disparages Walter Cunningham, implying that he is not on the same social level with her. When she criticizes his use of molasses on his food, Calpurnia scolds her for being rude; defensively, Scout retorts, “He ain't company, Cal, he just a Cunningham.” (33) Because of how the Cunningham was one of the lower classes, farmers, Scout doesn't see Walter as a guest. So she than treats him fairly poorly. Later on in the book Scout tells of Burris Ewell, who is very rude to Miss Caroline. One of the older children explains, “He's one of the Ewells, ma'am,” (36) a statement that implies that the family is on a lower rung of society. Also known as “white trash” in today's terms. This shows that when someone is a higher class than the other, the higher classes person tends to treat them …show more content…

It is our church, ain't it, Miss Cal?” Calpurnia said, “it's the same God, ain' it?” (158)
Calpurnia's statement shows that she believes that differences in religion, and differences in the race, are secondary. Maycomb County expects everyone o believe in th ame religionyet they are to go to different churches which is unfair. Discrimination is cruel act, because of the reputation you get from being discriminated, people see you as a lower classed or weaker human. The novel displays that the many types of ways to be discriminated, creates unfair and unequal way of living. Whether or not your skin is colored or have different beliefs than others, we are all the same. We are human and should be treated equally, living in tranquility. Because of separation to our differences, we are creating disturbances in the

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