
Discuss The Importance Of Kaleb's Success In English Language

Decent Essays

Kaleb has experienced mixed results in English. He occasionally contributes to class discussions when focussed on the topic. Kaleb is continuing to develop his speaking skills when presenting to the class. His prepared speech demonstrated improved use of eye contact as he attempted to use palm cards. However, Kaleb needs to include more detail and expression. Kaleb reads slowly with increasing accuracy and is developing his fluency and expression. He successfully decodes most unknown words but must remember to monitor his reading to maintain understanding. When writing, Kaleb attempts to describe actions and objects. He is beginning to organise his writing using paragraphs. However, Kaleb needs increase his efforts to produce longer texts and use punctuation consistently. He is continuing to develop his spelling and grammar skills.
Blake’s success in English has been varied He makes thoughtful contributions to class discussions and will ask questions that draw further information. Blake has displayed an impressive confidence in his ability to speak in front of others. He delivered an engaging speech to the class using excellent vocabulary and expression. His …show more content…

She enjoys participating in class discussions and will occasionally ask questions that elicit further information. Brielle delivered a very short speech to the class about national parks. However, she must make efforts to research and prepare herself to deliver more engaging and informative presentations. Brielle reads with high accuracy but is still developing her fluency and expression. She successfully decodes unknown words and monitors her reading to maintain understanding. When writing, Brielle attempts to describe actions and objects. She is beginning to organise his writing using paragraphs. However, Brielle needs increase her efforts to produce longer texts and use punctuation consistently. She is continuing to develop her spelling and grammar

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