
Discussing the Pros and Cons of Vaccinations

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Discussing the Pros And Cons Of Vacciniations Thesis: Vaccinations have many benefits including the prevention of certain diseases but they also can cause issues and be very riskful in using them to treat or prevent a disease. Some of these issues include the ethic dilemma behind the subject. Introduction: Vaccines are among the most affordable and successful public health tools for preventing disease, disability, and sometimes death. Not only do they protect a vaccinated individual from developing a potentially deadly disease, but they also lead to protecting an entire community by reducing the spread of infectious agents. Although vaccines have many beneficial factors to it, there are still some problems in using them. Many vaccines may include side effects that can lead to autism or even death. Vaccinations have many benefits including the prevention of certain diseases but they also can cause issues and be very riskful in using them to treat or prevent a disease. Some of these issues include the ethic dilemma behind the subject. There are many benefits that come from using vaccinations to help prevent diseases One of the biggest benefits in being vaccinating is that they can save peoples lives. Whether it be you, your family, or your community, they protect others that you care about. With all of the technology improvements and advances we are able to fight and protect more effectively against ermiging diseases. Another reason why you should be vaccinated is

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