
Discussion Of Happiness In Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics

Decent Essays

Nicomachean Ethics is a famous text by Aristotle where he talks about various aspects about ethics. Aristotle argues that most people agree that the supreme good is happiness. He believes that happiness is something that all humans try to aim for. What people disagree with is what it actually is that makes people happy and what it is that constitutes happiness.
Aristotle defines happiness as a self-fulfillment. To Aristotle, happiness is when someone completes or accomplishes their purpose in our society. Happiness is more of fulfilling a specific activity that serves a purpose in a society. It is not something simply felt or experienced. Aristotle also points out that people are unique in their own way. Their uniqueness just doesn’t appear randomly or something that a person chose. People have a unique natural function that distinguishes them from each other. When a person finds what they are uniquely …show more content…

He believes that people do not end up with true happiness because they are deficient in virtue. Aristotle states that in order to gain virtue, people must thoroughly develop and practice their habits so that they can behave in the right manner. He uses the virtues of courage and fear as an example. Behaving courageously shows confidence and behaving with fear shows timidity. Someone with confidence will live a happier life as oppose to someone who lives with fear because they are unable to experience a good life due to their cowardice. In my opinion, happiness is achieved when one is content with what they have and not asking for more. I believe people experience sadness instead of happiness is when they are not happy with what they have and continue to wish for more. I believe that happiness is just not an activity but also a feeling. However, I also agree with Aristotle. I believe that when a person finds their true calling and achieve it will bring self-fulfillment and happiness to

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