
Disjunctive Classroom Problems

Better Essays

Gleaming at the front of the classroom, a recently cleaned whiteboard shimmers under fluorescent lighting. A few pupils take a seat on their way back from sharpening their pencils. Students adjust their seats, and put excess school supplies from their desk onto the floor. Silence spreads throughout the class as an educator walks around the room and slides a sheet of paper that contains all of the chapter test questions across each individual desk. One student exits the classroom to take the test in a separate, disjunctive classroom. However, this student in particular receives assistance with the test not as a result of a learning disability, but because of a lack of motivation. At Scott Community High School, there is a problem with a few students who lack motivation, and as a result, them receiving specialized treatment for their lackadaisical and trifling qualities. The solution to this issue is simple. Recognizing which students truly need assistance with their work, opposed to those who simply don’t want to put any effort into their schoolwork is the first step to solving this issue. These students are the ones who seem to put more effort into avoiding and coming up with excuses to disregard their homework rather than actually doing their work. Students that put no effort into their work claim rewards for their laggard qualities at my school, and receive unnecessary attention from teachers who could be, and should be, focusing on and prioritizing the students who are

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