
Disney Pocahontas Myths

Decent Essays

Disney's Pocahontas: The Myth, And The Reality
According to Disney, Pocahontas is a perfect figure, a “good Indian”. According to them she was also madly in love with John Smith. But what if I told you that she wasn't? All sorts of horrible thing are in the Disney movie Pocahontas! This essay will outline the racism in the Disney movie Pocahontas, and will show you truth.
In this section I will be talking about everything Disney got wrong in the Pocahontas movie. And let's be honest there's a lot! In the Disney movie, Pocahontas was a barbie doll princess and was perfect in every single way, and was treated like royalty, not even having to do anything. The Powhatans version of a princess was very different from ours. She did lots of work …show more content…

In the Disney movie, sadly there's a lot of it. In the Disney movie Pocahontas implies that the Native Americans are below the English settlers. “What can you expect, from filthy little heathens? Here's what you get when the races are diverse! Their skin's a hellish red, they're only good when dead! They're vermin, as I said and worse. They're savages! Savages! Barely even human! Savages! Savages! Killers at the core!”(-The song Savages Pocahontas). WOW. This is racist because it showcases TONS of stereotypes that are really heartfull to a lot of people. It really makes young impressionable kids think that maybe this is true, that Native Americans are “filthy little heathens”. And if that is what you are trying to get kids to think Disney, then that's not right. The Disney movie implies that the Native Americans are below the English settlers. The english settlers call and say horrible things about the Native Americans. Horrible things like “Injuns”, a highly derogatory term for a Native Americans. They also say that they are not smart enough to build “good” houses: “Pocahontas: “Our houses are fine! John Smith: Only because you don’t know any better!” This is implying that the Native Americans are not “smart” enough to build “civilized” homes. Oh yeah, and the homes they are talking about? Those are TEEPEES! The Powhatan people did not even live in teepees. Not even considering …show more content…

In the movie, Pocahontas falls in love/gets married to John Smith. This is not true, she actually gets married to someone named John Rolfe. I know I have already mentioned this, but I feel that this is SO huge, that it just HAS to be mentioned again. THE WHOLE POINT OF THE MOVIE IS THAT POCAHONTAS FINDS TRUE LOVE (John Smith), AND THAT “TRUE LOVE” SHE DID NOT EVEN LOVE! If the point of your movie isn't even true, then why make it? My second point is that, in the movie, Pocahontas is NEVER called by her real name! Not once! I bet you don't even know what it is. Her real name is Matoaka. Pocahontas was just a nickname given to her by her father! My final piece of evidence is that at the end of the movie, Pocahontas ALWAYS trusts John Smith, and ALWAYS loves him. In reality, after she married John Rolfe, and took the name Rebecca Rolfe, and was living happily in England, John Smith comes along to give her a visit. Pocahontas promptly calls him a liar, and slams the door in his face. Hear that Disney? Sounds like their “love” wasn't as perfect as you made it sound! Even the current chief of the Powhatan nation agrees! He sent this piece of evidence in a letter to Disney.From all of this in the Disney movies, I think that Disney cares much more about their love story part of Pocahontas then the Pocahontas story

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