
Disneyland Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Disneyland is famous for being one of the happiest placed on earth and creating magical memories for people of all types. Disneyland gives people that heart tingling excitement that makes them feel like a child again, and as for the children, it’s an amazing wonderland to explore. Important moments in a person’s life only come around every so often, and my important moment happens to be the time when I went to Disneyland for a day with my high school graduating class. Disneyland has always been a special place to me because; of all the little times I have been with my family. From the rides, to the Disney characters walking around, the place is very special and entertaining. I always feel like a little kid whenever I’m at Disneyland because not only does it bring back memories, but it also makes me feel so adventurous because of how huge the park really is. A lot of times, I’d love running around the park despite all the workers telling me to walk. It goes to show, Disneyland always makes me feel unstoppable and childish. …show more content…

I can remember the day as it was yesterday because of the many crazy and amazing events that happened that day. For example, our group had fifteen plus people in it so we all kept ourselves company while waiting for a ride. Daring each other to do bold things such as, kissing and licking random people. I thought the little side games that we played were more entertaining because, we had more fun just waiting in line. Along with playing

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