
Disney's Episodic Memory

Decent Essays

Episodic memories are memories of a specific event in your life. With episodic memories, one is able to recall specific details from a certain event in life. These memories can be of any event such as a birthday party, a trip, or the day you got your first dog. An episodic memory that I quite often recall and can replay and tell the story like it was yesterday was Christmas of 2009 when my mom and dad surprised me with a trip to Disney. This memory will forever have a place in my memory because Disney was always a place that I heard was truly magical and I would give up everything to go. So on Christmas, December 25, 2009, everyone was gathered around the Christmas tree unwrapping their gifts and socializing with one another. It all started when I recognized and …show more content…

It automatically caught my eye, however, I assumed that the gift was for one of my younger siblings. As time went on and everyone was just about finished opening all their gifts, the box was still sitting in the corner, untouched. I went up to my mom and said, “Who is the gift for with the pretty Disney wrapper?” Her response was really weird because she laughed and then she called everyone back into the room and said, “She’s about to open it clear the room.” At that moment I knew that whatever it was inside that box was going to make me run wild. So after everyone came in, my grandmother standing in the corner trying to secretly record, and everyone else whispering and giggling, I immediately began to destroy the wrapping paper to come across a box filled with Mickey Mouse ears, Disney T-shirts and blankets, etc. Let’s just say I was at this point I was at an all-time high, well at least I

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