
Disparities in Transgender Population

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At Issue: Defining Transgender
In today’s evermore politically correct society, the term transgender is loaded with various meanings and implications. The inability for a consensus to form as to universal meaning stems from various interest groups laying claim to the significance of the term. For instance, the term ‘transgender’ is often interchanged with ‘transsexual’ or ‘transvestite.’ The two conditions are wholly different separate from transgender. For the purposes of this paper, Andrew Solomon’s definition will suffice: “The term transgender is an encompassing term that includes anyone whose behavior departs significantly from the norms of the gender suggested by his or her anatomy at birth. The term transsexual usually refers …show more content…

With the dawning of the twentieth century, progressive understanding of functions of the human brain, genetics, and how environment influences behavior helped to demystify early archaic theories about human sexuality. Magnus Hirchsfeld, an early twentieth century physician and sex researcher, was one of the first medical professionals to offer an etiology for the concept of transgender that did not include moral bias. According to Stryker (2008) Hirschfeld coined the term, “’sexual intermediaries,’ the idea that every human being represented a unique combination of sex characteristics, secondary sex-linked traits, erotic preferences, psychological inclinations, and culturally acquired habits and practices” (pg. 39). Continuing his advocacy, Hirschfeld founded a committee called the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, which devoted itself to socially advocating on behalf sexual minorities, including transgender people (Stryker, 2008). Finally, in 1910, Hirschfeld published the first full-length book which tackled the issue of transgender, entitled The Transvestites (Hirschfeld, 1910). Hirschfeld has written previous books on homosexuality and other sexuality topics, however, The Transvestites is widely considered a seminal work as it clinically discusses the dissociation that transgender people feel to their pre-transition physical bodies (Hirschfeld, 1910). The general population routinely ignored activists like Hirschfeld and their ideas and

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