
Dissociative Identity Disorder : A Condition Of Mystery

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Understanding Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative identity disorder is a condition of mystery that is not clearly understood because of its way of presenting in a patient. In this research article there will be in depth analysis of the condition that is so publically recognized by Hollywood but at times ignored by medical professionals. There will analysis of demographics and who is affected more; male or female will also be looked at closely. There will also be a review of what factors predispose individuals to Dissociative Identity Disorder, and how it is diagnosed. There will also be information of how the disorder is treated via therapy and medication. The usual signs and symptoms will also be discussed and …show more content…

The idea behind this is that alters were developed during the trauma as form to escape it and they evolved into personalities that followed them later in life it is a form of dissociating with the trauma and coping mechanism. This can occur as early as three years old because that is when the human brain starts developing memories (Haddock, 2001). The most common signs and symptoms experienced by patients with Dissociative identity disorder are amnesia and depersonalization. The amnesia in patients with DID is typically manifests with gaps in their memory often gaps in memory in their past or even their entire childhood. The majority of patients with DID have memory gaps when a personality has taken over the host (primary personality). Some patients may describe as being outside their body and watching something take place in front of them that they cannot control, which is also known as depersonalization. According to Hart (2103), another sign is derealization, which is when the patient may not recognize people such as friends and family, which can lead to difficulties maintaining a healthy relationship. The most common sign is identity disturbances because the patient fears their person because they have no control over them when they take over. They fear them because they have no control their actions and even some times even the host may be female or male the alter may identify as that opposite sex. The alters also may disrupt daily

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