
Distracted Driving Laws

Decent Essays

Arizona is one of four states that has yet to put a law against distracted driving into effect. The definition of distracted driving is defined as the practice of driving a motor vehicle while engaged in another activity. 21% of fatal accidents involving a teen driver were caused by distracted driving. Do these statistics confirm that a harsh distracted driving law need to be in effect or should it be a personal responsibility of oneself or the parents of young drivers. As more states create distracted driving laws the number of deaths each year are still rising meaning that these law that are being set are not fixing the issue and are seemingly making it worse. Distracted driving should be a personal responsibility and not a law that needs …show more content…

I believe that parents should be discussing the dangers of texting and driving with there children from a young age. I feel as if the dangers were talked about more then less people would feel the need to do it. With today's technology there are many thing that can be done to replace texting. There are Bluetooth devices that can be connected to your phone that will read messages to you and allow you to verbally respond to a text. If a parent doesn't feel that their teen driver is capable of not getting distracted while driving there are locks that can be put onto phones that wont allow it to be used while they are driving. At the end of the day it is the parents responsibility to teach and prevent teen texting and driving. At any time you feel your teen is being unsafe you shouldn't allow them to drive until they can be …show more content…

In schools a common topic is about not doing drugs however distracted driving is almost never talked about. There should be ads placed on websites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram because that's where the most people will be able to see them. When you go to get your drivers license distracted driving should be a major topic that is discussed. If the dangers were talked about more then I feel that less people would do it. I also think signs should be put on highways and other major roads stating that distracted driving is bad. As a country we should find new ways to get the point across of how dangerous it

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